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Welcome to new PDRA Dr Xinjin Liang

Xinjin is a microbiologist with a research interest in metal and waste recovery using biological approaches. She joined the Bryden Centre in August 2020, as a research fellow at the Queen’s University Belfast, her project is mainly focus on developing a biorefinery system for waste recovery and enhancing the circular economy.

Xinjin obtained her PhD degree in Geomicrobiology from the School of Life Sciences at the University of Dundee. Previously, she gained her Master of Research degree from the University of St Andrews in Environmental Biology. Before joining the Bryden Centre, she has work as a research fellow in the Sustainable Environment Research Centre at the University of South Wales on the Reduced Industrial Carbon Emissions (RICE) project, an EU-backed scheme to test and drive forward next generation technologies to help reduce carbon emissions from Welsh industry. As part of her project, she helped to set up large-scale demonstration systems with global steel manufacturer Tata Steel, as well as Welsh Water, to support the testing of technologies that can capture carbon dioxide and convert it into high-end products. Previously, she had work as a NERC-funded postdoctoral research assistant in the School of Life Sciences at the University of Dundee, on the Tellurium and Selenium Cycling and Supply project (Part of the NERC Security of Supply of Mineral Resources project).

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