All-Island Climate and Biodiversity Research Network
The Bryden Centre is proud to be part of the new All-Island Climate and Biodiversity Research Network (AICBRN). This major initiative brings together leading research centre across the whole island of Ireland to tackle the climate and biodiversity emergency where a trans-national approach is essential.

Researchers from all the centres across the network have come together to work with national, regional and local governments, communities and industry to effectively deliver solutions to climate, biodiversity and social challenges caused by global warming.
We will be investigating:
Clean energy solutions and how to economically implement these to achieve a socially just transition away from fossil fuels
Prevention of biodiversity loss, reversing degradation in ecosystems and how to make our natural environment more resilient to climate change
Protecting and enhancing agriculture in Ireland and looking to achieve negative carbon emissions
Improving climate predictions and the level of uncertainty to improve forecasting of adverse weather and flood risk
Full details are available in the report below